Località Uccellaia,
57033 Marciana Marina (LI)
Geographic coordinates
- DD (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 42.802336
Longitude: 10.188575 - DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds)
Latitude: N – 42°48’8,41’’
Longitude: E – 10° 11’ 18.869’’
To reach Borgo dell’Uccellaia, after arriving in Portoferraio, drive to Marciana Marina (20 km). The first tourist place, which you will reach after about 10 km by car, is Procchio, from where you continue towards Marciana Marina. The curvy road leads along the coast to the charming harbor and the village of Marciana Marina. When you reach the village, go straight to the elementary schools (Scuole Elementari). Then follow the signs to Borgo dell’Uccellaia.
The Località Uccellaia can be reached by a paved and illuminated road that ends at the top of the hill. The area is quiet and surrounded by woods overlooking the Gulf of Marciana Marina. It is also a stone’s throw from the village and the sea. In less than 10 minutes on foot you can reach the beach of Fenicia, which is located to the left of the village of Marciana Marina next to the Torre degli Appiani.
In the immediate vicinity are the tennis courts, the municipal swimming pool, restaurants and shops. An ideal place for nature lovers: on foot you can walk signposted paths that lead through the woods and you to spectacular places on the island.
Borgo dell’Uccellaia is located 2.6 km from the very popular Monte Capanne mountain cable car, from which you can reach the altitude of 1019 meters, admiring the morphological silhouette of Elba and enjoying a magnificent view over the entire Tuscan archipelago. If the days are particularly clear, it is also possible to see a section of the Italian coast and Corsica.